Main » 2014 » August » 1 » Vaper Cigarette Can Save More Money on Pocket
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Vaper Cigarette Can Save More Money on Pocket

Lots of researches are still on going to find out the nature of E Cigarette and nothing can be claimed so surely but one thing about which E Cigarette brands can bolster is its cost effectiveness as it is believed that use of E Cigarette can save hundreds of dollars of smokers as compared to regular cigarettes. Increasing tax rates and prices of tobacco products is making regular cigarettes more costly whereas till now according to laws E Cigarette is not considered as a tobacco product though debate regarding this is still going on and many anti smoking organizations have demanded to put regulations on Electronic Cigarette same as a regular cigarette.

Blu cigs electronic cigaretteAnd as far as costing of E Cigarette is concerned, it has been known to all since long that Vaper Cigarette doesn’t burn tobacco but contains liquid nicotine in different flavors and strengths which turns intro vaper after inhalation, it is mostly battery powered which makes it more cheaper, one doesn’t need to buy E Cigarette again and again like a regular cigarette but just refilling of cartridge. A disposable E Cigarette is equivalent to 2 regular cigarettes and a user can save around $500 to $1000, even more according to the usage. For example a disposable E Cig comes in around $9 and if we measure on the scale of 1 pack per day so on the basis of above stated fact 1 disposable e cigarette works as 2 packs of regular cigarette which means around $1700 per year and a normal cigarette pack also comes around of $7 which means $2500 per year, the stats directly indicate towards saving of $700. So using E Cigarette is more feasible than a normal cigarette in terms of cost.

E Cigarette is flourishing since its discovery in 2003. Many brands like Green Smoke, Blu Cigs, V2 Cigs, White Cloud among other brands are considered as giants of E Cigarette market, providing users E Cigarettes via online as well as retail shop mode are offering its customers various discounts, offers, specialized kits to make the product more cost effective and feasible from the point of view of users.

And due to introduction of many new brands of Electronic Cigarette, competition between brands is increasing a lot which is eventually good for the users because competition generally lowers the price of products and induces marketers to innovate more and more.

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